Monday, August 24, 2009

Kirkoswald Castle

Just across the river Eden from Great Salkeld is the charming village of Kirkoswald.
What many people, even locals, don't always appreciate is that the village has a castle!
Well the remains of one anyway.

So what is the history here?


  1. Look to the west of church where there is a large double ditch enclosure in the middle of which is a platform, 50m by 20m within a ditch up to 8 m wide.
  2. There was reputed to have been a large wooden tower here.
  3. The licence to crenalate was given in 1201 to Hugh de Morville ( just one before he died).
  4. The house was said to have then been burnt by the Scots in 1314.
  5. Lord Dacre then took possession and substantial stone buildings were erected.
  6. However their lands were forfeited for rebellion in 1569 and in the early 17th century the stones were plundered by Lord William Howard for the building of Naworth Castle.
  7. By 1688 it was mainly a heap of stones and some ruined towers.

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